Nature Greens is a project constructed to improve the standard of living of the people by bringing them closer to nature. It gives them the personal space to reconnect and bond with their family, friends and most importantly, with themselves. Our Nature Greens Farms project includes all the basic and premium amenities that support upgrading people’s lifestyles.
Nature Greens just like a mother embraces her child nature also embraces all in the same way.
The founder of the MARS INFRA TECH GROUP is Mr. Pankaj Singh Bhadauria, who believes that everyone deserves to live a quality life with high living standards. Therefore, his company Mars Infra Tech designs the exclusive abodes that will surely enhance the living standards of many birds. With an exclusive project of Nature Greens, Pankaj Singh Bhadauria wants to provide a second home to the people residing in the lap of Nature. “I want people to reunite with nature and experience the freshness of the environment,” says the founder.
The arrangement and layout of the apartments maximises natural light, opening to elegant private balconies, which provide residents with outdoor leverage agile framework to provide.